幸存者1937江南八大侠他是传奇头文字DX战警2(普通话版)时来运转爱尔兰之愿小姐好白舞动青春之女子天团三个蠢贼内心强大的美女白川 01香江花月夜国语爱慕虚荣国语初恋日记(普通话版)饮食男女2012思维游戏心灵融合控制2022征服太空恐龙饭店黑夜吞噬世界吸血猎手阴阳路3:升棺发财绝对杀手女高怪谈3:狐狸阶梯召唤群雄后我无敌了 回到古代召唤群雄回到古代当富翁消失的旗袍没有如果阎王医婿
Gordon, 28, an aspiring animator, leaves his home in Oregon to sell his ideas to Hollywood. After being told, correctly, that they are quite possibly the most stupid ideas ever and that he needs to spend time rethinking them, he moves back home. But his father, never a kind man, escalates his mean treatment of his rather unconventional son. Meanwhile, Gord has fallen for Betty, an attractive doctor at the hospital where his friend is staying; she happens to use a wheelchair, and to delight in having her paralyzed legs beaten with a bamboo cane; her sexual aggression intimidates him. Gord's family goes to a psychiatrist, and he lies to her that his father molests Gord's brother, Freddy; Gord neglects to mention that Freddy is 25. Soon, Gordon has the house to himself, and comes up with a winning animated series,"Zebras in America" based on his own family. All this is really a framework on which Tom Green hangs his usual crazy stunts. Tom Green plays Gord Brody, a slacker who dreams of becoming an animator for cartoon shows. He is forced to move back in with his parents, but then refuses to leave. Along the way, he sexually pleasures various farm animals, licks open flesh wounds, accuses his father of molesting his brother, goes scuba diving in a toilet, plays an organ with several sausages attached to it which are suspended in midair, and does a bunch of other stuff that is too insane, offensive, disgusting, or weird to be mentioned here. 好食懶飛搞搞震,氣得父親“紮紮”跳 !電視搞笑高手湯格連自編自導自演處女作! 終日游手好閒,已經廿八歲了,一直夢想成為荷里活卡通片動畫大師的葛,終於有機會一嚐夢想的工作,但只是暫時性,跟著又跑去芝士工廠做無聊的工作。最後,葛決定回到家去,但父親占士則希望他能長大成熟點,搬離他們,像弟弟法迪般,找一份像樣的工作。葛與父親占士因此事展開父子大戰,葛想出不少古靈精怪的方法來氣父親,弄得占士七竅生煙,使人捧腹大笑……
晴天影院(www.cqcjllc.com)为您提供的《家有顽童》 HD、BD、720p,1080p,1280p免费高清在线观看地址,以及相关的剧情简介、演员、导演、幕后花絮、剧照、海报等信息均由互联网上面收集整理而来,以及《家有顽童》的观后评论等内容。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解
秋霞电影网网友:家有顽童讲述了Gordon, 28, an aspiring animator, leaves his home in Oregon to sell his ideas to Hollywood. After being told, correctly, that they are quite possibly the most stupid ideas ever and that he needs to spend time rethinking them, he moves back home. But his father, never a kind man, escalates his mean treatment of his rather unconventional son. Meanwhile, Gord has fallen for Betty, an attractive doctor at the hospital where his friend is staying; she happens to use a wheelchair, and to delight in having her paralyzed legs beaten with a bamboo cane; her sexual aggression intimidates him. Gord's family goes to a psychiatrist, and he lies to her that his father molests Gord's brother, Freddy; Gord neglects to mention that Freddy is 25. Soon, Gordon has the house to himself, and comes up with a winning animated series,"Zebras in America" based on his own family. All this is really a framework on which Tom Green hangs his usual crazy stunts. Tom Green plays Gord Brody, a slacker who dreams of becoming an animator for cartoon shows. He is forced to move back in with his parents, but then refuses to leave. Along the way, he sexually pleasures various farm animals, licks open flesh wounds, accuses his father of molesting his brother, goes scuba diving in a toilet, plays an organ with several sausages attached to it which are suspended in midair, and does a bunch of other stuff that is too insane, offensive, disgusting, or weird to be mentioned here. 好食懶飛搞搞震,氣得父親“紮紮”跳 !電視搞笑高手湯格連自編自導自演處女作! 終日游手好閒,已經廿八歲了,一直夢想成為荷里活卡通片動畫大師的葛,終於有機會一嚐夢想的工作,但只是暫時性,跟著又跑去芝士工廠做無聊的工作。最後,葛決定回到家去,但父親占士則希望他能長大成熟點,搬離他們,像弟弟法迪般,找一份像樣的工作。葛與父親占士因此事展開父子大戰,葛想出不少古靈精怪的方法來氣父親,弄得占士七竅生煙,使人捧腹大笑……。
青苹果影院网友:截止到2024-04-17 21:30:11,《家有顽童》已经更新到HD。
影视大全网友:最近有汤姆·格林,雷普·汤等演员主演的美国喜剧片——家有顽童一经播出就受到了很多观众的欢迎和认可,这部喜剧片里面,演员的演技都是非常值得肯定的,我觉得汤姆· 在里面的演技非常的好,他能够去把握这个角色所要表达的情感,向观众展现出更好的作品
mtime时光网影评:第一次这么喜欢一部剧的女主角这个角色 聪明 独立 淡然 很有自己的主见 特别是略微带有的那一点狡黠 真是可爱极了!
晴天影院为您提供《家有顽童》免费在线观看地址,影片主演列表、影片相关资讯、海报图片、上映更新时间、主演其他影片、 以及《家有顽童》剧情等内容。影片播放地址:如果喜欢这部影片《家有顽童》,分享链接http://www.cqcjllc.com/cq/60520.html。
2018-09-14 11:56:41
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2019-05-08 23:56:37
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2018-03-05 18:56:31